housing stability for youth in courts (H-SYNC)

Research Study

Here you will find information on the H-SYNC research study conducted by the University of Washington. For any further questions, please contact hsync@uw.edu.


What is the H-SYNC Research Study?

The Housing Stability for Youth in Courts (H-SYNC) research study is looking at a new community program trying to prevent youth homelessness for youth involved in the juvenile court system. The program is being used in courts because of the high number of housing unstable youth that come into contact with the courts. In Washington State, around 40% of youth screened for court services had a history of housing instability. The study is looking at the impact of the H-SYNC program to see if it helps promote stable housing and relationships as well as the acceptability of the program to youth, caregivers, and staff implementing it.

Who Is Doing the Research?

The research team is being led by Dr. Sarah Walker who is a Research Associate Professor in the Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences at the University of Washington. Check out www.sajecenter.org for more information on some of Dr. Walker’s current and past research projects.

what will i be asked to do if I participate?


Caregivers who participate in the survey portion of the study will be asked to complete a 15 minute survey. The survey will ask questions about service engagement and housing status. Participants will receive a $20 gift card for completing the survey.

Phone Interviews (Youth, Caregivers, and Staff)

Youth and caregivers who indicate interest in learning more about the phone interview to the housing navigator or a court staff member will be randomly selected to participate. Staff members who took part in H-SYNC will also be asked if they are interested in participating. Participants will be asked to complete a 30 minute phone interview, which will ask questions about experiences in and opinions of the H-SYNC program. Participants will receive a $30 gift card for completing the phone interview.

Risks and Benefits of Participating


In addition to the gift card payments, participants may also benefit from feeling good about helping to discover and improve better programs for youth and their families.


There is a chance participants may feel uncomfortable responding to particular questions. Participants do not have to answer any question they do not want to and can stop answering questions at any time. There is a small chance that your responses may be accidentally revealed. This is most likely to happen while you are completing the survey or phone interview (especially if you are in a public place). For example, someone could read or overhear your answers while you’re participating. Therefore, we suggest completing surveys and phone interviews in a private location.

What if I do not want to Participate?

Participation is totally voluntary. There are no negative consequences for not participating in the study. Parents and youth can still take part in the H-SYNC program and any other court activities that are offered if they choose not to participate in the study. Participants may withdraw from the study at any time.

More Information

CLICK HERE to review the “Caregiver Survey Info Statement” for CAREGIVERS of youth involved in the H-SYNC program.

CLICK HERE to review the “Caregiver Phone Interview Info Statement” for CAREGIVERS selected to participate in the phone interview.

CLICK HERE to review the “Youth Phone Interview Info Statement” for YOUTH selected to participate in the phone interview.

CLICK HERE to review the “Staff Phone Interview Info Statement” for STAFF selected to participate in the phone interview.

Questions or Concerns?

E-mail hsync@uw.edu with any additional questions. Contact the Human Subjects Division at the University of Washington if you have any questions or concerns about your rights as a research subject. Phone: 206-543-0098.